Shipping Policy

  • Payment Policy
  1. You agree to pay for all purchase orders you place through the Website.
  2. If we are unable to successfully process your payment for your Order that is accepted by us, then we may notify you of dishonor and cancel your Order. 
  • Delivery of Products
  1. Products will only be delivered to the person who is at the address you have nominated for delivery provided that person is over the age of 18.
  2. About delivery service, currently we only support Australia, other areas do not support delivery. Customers can choose normal courier or expedited delivery while purchasing goods, normal courier generally 5-7 days delivery, expedited courier generally 1-3 days delivery, please note that the delivery time limit provided is only an estimated time limit, there may be changes (usually due to circumstances beyond our control, please refer to the courier company delivery rules); we will try to deliver in accordance with the estimated time limit, but we can’t guarantee to do so! We will endeavour to deliver in accordance with the estimated timeframe but cannot guarantee this.
  • Delivery of Products
  1. Products will only be delivered to the person who is at the address you have nominated for delivery, provided that person is over the age of 18.
  2. We currently only support delivery within Australia. Customers can choose from two shipping options: standard courier for AUD 10 and expedited courier for AUD 15. Please note that these options may be subject to changes due to circumstances beyond our control (refer to the courier company’s delivery policies). You can track your order status and delivery information on our website under “TRACK ORDER” or in your personal account.
Major logistics companies we utilize include: Australia Post, Fastway Couriers, and TNT Express.

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